Increase Awareness and Grow Your Giving
Do you want to see an increase in your online giving? The first thing you have to do is increase awareness. Here are a few simple ideas and useful links you can use to help increase awareness and grow giving in your church.
Church Website
In any given month, your members will visit your church website for information regarding services, classes, and events. It is so important to create a prominent link on the website homepage and a dedicated page for giving. Make sure that both links are easy to find and easy to understand. A simple clickable graphic is often the most effective to way to help your givers find your personal Engage Online Giving portal.
Church Newsletter & Emails
Whether you send a physical newsletter or an e-newsletter, be sure to include information on how to reach your Engage Online Giving portal.
Repetition is the key to success.
Flyers & Pew Cards
Sometimes, a physical reminder and explanation of how and where to go online, can make a big difference. We have created Welcome to Engage PDF documents that includes information regarding how to use Engage and is customizable so that you can add your personal Engage URL.
Print out these flyers and leave on tables during Sunday Service, in pews, or wherever your members meet. You can download both the Engage Giving Only and Engage Giving with Text-Giving documents by clicking the links below.
QR Code
Along with your church’s personal Engage Giving URL, you also have the added option of offering a QR code. You can generate a QR code directly from Engage and members can scan them on their mobile device, automatically taking them to your online giving page.
Having QR codes on printed materials is just one more way to make it easy to access online giving.
Worship Service
Take a moment in every service to talk about online giving. Again, repetition is the key. Give out your church’s personal URL or refer to the physical flyers in the lobby.
Promotional Resources
Implementing some of these simple ideas are a great first step toward increasing online giving awareness. Click Here to find the customizable PDFs, links to useful videos, and more in the Suran Help Center.
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