Secure Your Seats And Sign Up Today

Looking for a secure & simple solution for checking kids in and out of your church nursery, daycare, or Sunday School? CDM+ can help! With CDM+ Check-In/Check-Out you can also mark attendance, update ID photos, print name badges, and more.

Be sure to join us on May 21, 2024 at 2 p.m. EDT for our special Child Care Check-In/Check-Out Webinar. We’ll demonstrate what convenient solutions CDM+ has to offer your organization!

Get Registered

To register simply scan the QR Code or click the link below.

Can’t make it to this event? Sign up anyway! Everyone who registers will automatically get an email with a link to watch the webinar once it’s been posted online.

Discover CDM+ Webinars

Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of our year-long webinar series, Discover What’s Possible! These special events are ideal for everyone, from long-time users to those evaluating new solutions for your organization.

Visit to learn more and register for other upcoming webinars that explore the many powerful features and functions of CDM+.

Get started. Get connected.

Have questions about prices, plans, programs, or integration?

Contact us today to learn more or schedule a demo to discover how CDM+ can work for your organization.